no one ever looked so cool they never needed a reason singing “my best friend is a 6 pack” in the back of a pickup like they’ve never heard of manifesting he’ll kiss track marks on her arm like the golden years were going to waste away regardless forget about the consequences you’ve blacked out with sidewalk slams and a burning nose always finding a way back to the other cellophane chains locking together two algolagnic beauties the type with those big blue ***** den dream eyes and shredded skin leather skin guaranteed to satisfy if you like it with a dose of disappointing your parents can’t spend more than a night with them unless the sound of bottles smashing on the sides of houses is a turn on but they kiss and make up like broken glass in your hands is routine in courtship for some i guess it is violence made her jumpy but the way she smiles now untouchable goddess sly statuesque cold ethereal decomposing beauty almost makes up for it. for some i guess it does.