the dawn of another tempest and the twilight of another's sleek extinction.
i roam freely without fences so i could break free with even speed.
this is where no men traverse. this is where everything remains limitless. this is where all fires raze whatever has been uncovered and deemed vulnerable. this is where i imagine realness and put to realities, whatever is imagined. this is where everything only amounts so little, and that in its smallness, i only weave an immense thatch for the asylum of these words and watch them come to life...
it starts with a pencil of light torching where silence beckons and words writ strongly in bold intent
and ends where all of these syllabications take their sojourns in one's mind, pulsing with life and one with blood in the sinews of mind's faculty.
this is where i meander freely, and everything exists in illustrious wonder.