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Sep 2015
You and I, we're so intimate with one another.
Not the touching kind of intimacy either...but the closeness we share.
We talk for hours on end and we never get tired of one another's voice
and we fall asleep together, because you don't want to hang up and I hate hanging up on people, so we're just stuck together.
I say, "Yeah, we fell asleep together on the phone again last night," and my friends giggle because I talk about whatever we are as if we're already one in the same, but it's just hard to separate us since we're already so intimate with one another.
I don't need to feel your touch to know that you care about me, because I can see it in your eyes while you're talking to me about your day.
I know how much you care by the way you help me with my studies and you tell me a new history fact from the top of your head every single night.
I can feel how much you care by the way you say, "I think saying 'I guess I like you' is quite an understatement now. I really like you, Rachel. I truly do."
This is the intimacy that I cherish the most, and I'll always be grateful for you and the way you show me that you care for me.
Something I've been thinking about a lot lately and then MF wrote about intimacy so I thought I'd add some thoughts
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