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Sep 2015
Forty hours a week never gest the job done. Turning wrenches and busted knuckles is how things get built. Steel beams with red hot rivets, long welded seams on flat iron plate. Miles of highway laid out with tar and cement in the hot summer sun. Bridge foundations laid and mighty buildings sent spiraling skyward. Machines that run around the clock to weave and knit things we wear. Bakeries  that can cook anything we care to eat. By the sweat of our brows we earn our daily bread. Hoping to make a better life than the one our parents had. On a day reserved for rest and reflection, let the world know that the greatest of us is sometimes not seen, but in the things that were created, we leave our mark from behind the scene. The working men and women of America are the true heart of the machine.
James M Vines
Written by
James M Vines  50/M/Atlanta Georgia
(50/M/Atlanta Georgia)   
   mickey finn
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