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Arianna Darshani
Sep 2015
My soul mate
When I was 22
I came across a man.
I immediately knew
he was my soul mate.
I felt that Id known him
Indefinitely and that we'd
Always been together.
We fell in love and married.
My husband is a modest man.
His greatest quality is
Kindness, followed closely
by his sense of humor.
He is also very intelligent,
wise and humble.
He is a truly superlative
Human being.
What is most important
Is that he has loved me
Unconditionally, for 31 years
We are both 53. And I have
Returned his love.
Our marriage is sacred
and something as apparently banal
As holding hands,
Is a sacrament.
His great hobby is to
tinker on Lotus cars.
He has 3 cars and
A man cave that is truly
A shrine to cars
And car parts.
The shrine has
It's own furnace
And air conditioning.
You have to make sure...
To keep your cars warm
In Winter!
We live in Minnesota,
after all!
There are some areas
where we could grow.
One area is that he
occasionally, does not take care
of his physical health.
I then, worry about his health
for him.
But, ultimately, he is an adult.
He has to make his own choices
And I have to accept
his health choices.
He is a manly man, and
is very stoic. That is not
my favorite quality.
He will not share his pain
with me.
What I have learned is that part of
Love is to accept your spouse's
In that way
I've fallen in love with his stoicism.
It's part of the whole of
Who he is.
You have to love the WHOLE person.
Every day I appreciate him.
Every day I tell him
how much I love him
Every day I am grateful
to have such a wonderful man
in my life.
What a blessing it is!
There is nothing better in life,
than my husband!
When he enjoys tinkering
with his cars,
I am truly happy for him and
I share in his joy.
I want to grow old with Dave
I want to retire with him.
We want to retire to Oregon.
I want to LOVE him
Until my dying breath.
Id like to be with him,
Beyond Death,
As well.
I believe Love
transcends death.
Written by
Arianna Darshani
Weeping willow
Francie Lynch
mickey finn
16 others
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