He had so much anger , so much hate To lash out at someone he couldn’t wait An innocent bystander walking down the street This was the one that he would beat.
If she had suspected what lied ahead She would have turned her back and fled. With fists flaring he knocked her to the ground Her jaw broken - she couldn’t make a sound They say they don’t know how she survived With the extent of her injuries they was sure she would die.
She gave a description of what he looked like And before blacking out she started to fight They caught him with the description she gave They saw that he was full of anger and rage.
They say from his step father he had been abused And fighting back was of no use. His mother did not believe what he had said And she turned - and sent him to bed.
He now blamed his mother for what His step father had done no one to turn to, no where to run. She should have - defended her son.
He and his step father are both in jail Because his mother had truly failed To hold a man she did not watch her son Now look at what he has gone and done.