a dusk-lit forest full of branches sprouting car keys walks toward me, reflecting the blood red moon. stairs form beneath my feet as I step escalating me up past the jangling silver canopy into cool green sky. night darkens with each breath. waves crashing through the atmosphere tumble urgently past my head to meet with the spies of the desert floor. I sigh out my thoughts in bubbles and they ping-pop up, exploding into stars and planets. standing at the edge of the thick glass lake that covers the earth, I spew rainbow jacks out of my mouth and they echo tink-tink tinktinktinktinktink across the darkness. I watch them splash into the sun's paint bucket off the end of the word, splattering yellow and orange up onto the black glass. stretching my arms a hundred miles long, I dip my fingers in the glowing colors and taste it on my spiked tongue. the lily-pads laugh at me for ingesting poison as I balloon over them and the lake. I begin to float, up up & away, into the green sky. when i reach the stars, their pointed corners pop me and I rain down as moonstone, running iridescent veins upon the earth.