To The Only Husband I Really Loved, with all my heart, To The Only Husband I really loved, right from the very start, when our blue eyes first met one another we knew we were meant to be, but than my sister and the State had other plans and they both destroyed you and me.
We never stopped loving each other, although we did depart, I remember the very last words you told me, You had never stopped loving me, You told me I was a good woman, I told you there was no such thing,
You told me you wished me were still married, and to this I had to agree,
When I was told that you died of cancer in November of 2008, it broke my fragmented heart, this is because you were the only husband I really loved for the very start.
Three years have come and gone, and I miss you very much, but I know one day we will see each other in heaven up above.
In Loving Remembrance of Roy L. Mock December 13, 1953- November 25, 2008 Always loved but never forgotten.