We all want to be loved, hugged, kissed and showered with gifts. But Love has it’s own personality and demands. It is not a dish served on a silver platter. True Love comes to you if you are pure at heart, true to yourself and giving of your inner wealth. Words alone do not satisfy Love, it is a verb after all and so it demands your actions, your attention, admiration and your care. It is much like a fire fed solely with kindling dying within the hour. Would you not rather choose the biggest logs you could find to have it last til the morning hour? And even then to keep the fire alive you have to go into the forest again to fetch the best wood logs available. And these logs will not cut themselves, you must make the effort yourself. Only then can your fire keep you cleansed, romantic, warm and provide means to feed you as long as you do your part. The forest is your heart that is where you will find the best timber in the world. It is free, abundant and accessible in the land of golden silence. Now you become the true master of a most attractive and durable “BON FIRE” and two of you can delight in this cozy and hypnotizing ecstasy.