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Oct 2011
Insanity is a funny thing. It's deep inside your soul
a corruption that manifests until the day you become whole
so many adjectives to describe a girl who lives inside her heart
a girl who wanted nothing more then a smile or kind remark.
a girl who did her best to love everyone from the start.
never comprehending the negativity that was returned
not seeing all the variables that work to make the world so cold
a world where hearts are cracking, its a natural disaster.
uncommon for the girl who dwells in the heart that is her master.
but even for a heart so strong the world is stronger still
hits from every angle were bound to break her will
and through all the despair and pain, that applaud while she burns
An entertaining show, but some still want their money returned
Its the system of our kind to build and break our neighbors
and she's breathing shallow breaths, pleading for a favor
anyone to help her, someone to be kind and care
familiar faces avoid her eyes, noses turned in the air
and as her knees buckle, face hits the pavement
through teary eyes of lost self worth, she sees distant movement
familiar shoes approaching, now strong arms pull her off the floor.
carrying her to safety, where she'd be hurt no more.
she knows this scent, seen these scarred up hands.
She looks in his eyes and see's her heart in this man
remembering all the things that used to make her smile
fond memories with this man, from when he was a child
a gust of wind makes her shiver, but in these arms she's whole
It's recognition of the sanity in a reflection of her soul.
Raquel Cheri
Written by
Raquel Cheri  Tennessee
   Long To Sail
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