many nights, it takes every molecule in my body to not scream myself to sleep.
You see, i have nightmares about the future. i'm afraid upon awakening one morning, i’ll discover i'm some grotesque & fat pizza fried chicken bread bowl American as massive layers of fat fold around my body making it almost impossible to breathe and lost all interest in everything except cheap fast food & money to spend on the various brethren of the dollar menu.
I'm afraid that on the one night i sleep with my back to the bedroom door is the night a group of burglers, possibly in union with supernatural shadows from the darkest corner of my room team up to beat me to death like Jack Nicholson's character from Easy Rider.
I’m afraid the nightmares about my teeth falling out will actually happen, causing me to never find a job to pay off all the debts i owe.
Some nightmares are more fantastical; like the one where i'm leading human civilization in an Alamo last stand against a hostile alien race only to find myself fighting alone as the rest of the surviving nations argue over who gets most of the credit.
My nightmares make me afraid to step on the floor until morning— for my anxiety tells me during this darkness the floor is spewing with cockroaches and spiders.
As I type this, i realize this is only delaying the inevitable until my eyes can no longer function, until my body forces my brain into a state of drowsiness— then i can begin my nightmare lullabies that always begin with an internal scream.