Something has changed I no longer have this desire to hold onto you Everything that happened no longer haunts me I've let go of you, the loaded gun that was constantly pressed to my forehead The bomb constantly ticking but never running out I used you to fill the cracks in my heart but you quickly became the knife that carved more If love is disaster You are the biggest storm Winds and rain that came crashing into my home Destroying everything that you knew I cherished Words and promises have never been such poison I now have to prepare myself Prepare to deal with someone like you Love is more than late night conversations And early morning kisses Love is the fondation we build off of Love is overcoming every obstacle you face Love is realizing that heartbreak is possible but still going for it anyways Love is someone's greatest treasure and hardest downfall You were once my greatest gift Holding onto you would be like holding onto the thing that kills me I could only blame myself for my demise So goodbye