I remember our first Valentine's Day together You gave me a box of Chocolates and some pink and red carnations because you could not afford roses, but it did not matter to me We exchanged Valentine's Day card, and it was the same that I gave to you and you gave to me. It was romantic but serious I told of brand new love we would share and then all of a sudden after of 1'2 years you are no long here. The last three years have been ******* me since you have died and gone away I don't know how I make from day to day I remember all the little things you use to do for me and now that I don't have you All I can do is ask and pray That soon we will be together in all eternity.
In Loving Memory of Frank A. Kratochvil September 8, 1948 to January 28, 2008 Gone but never forgotten and always loved forever