a brown cardboard home underneath a busy bridge I hear the passing by of tied men and pumped feet popping against the rough cement the whirl of the wind curling in the arch of an underway cuts the air through my ragged clothes not a car zooms by these lonely days and nights I am safe but I am not happy nor sad I do not feel shame and I am not proud the smell of the gutter spill from the city above I take a liking in its never changing smell only the river waves sing me to sleep I veer out into the foggy streets Not an eye sets its stare upon me Only those curious enough to drop a bill or two into my water cup that I hold out to the sky when it starts to rain the river's poison I've seen a man die in it the river runs wild I lost my tattered shoes to it been starving for weeks hoping that the trash man drives by soon he'll drop some litter and I'll be rummaging my stomach will hurt for days but I am satisfied my body keeps running and here in this brown cardboard home I never gave to the ideas of doubts, regrets, greed, happiness, love, ambition or dreams. I slept and I awake I don't feel and I'm undead. I'm torn but I piece myself together I never understood why but why I feared that this might end and someone might take me and put me somewhere new some place where I'm shaven and cleaned to the teeth fingernails and toes given new itchy clothes and a shiny pair of shoes I'll be looked to improvement, pressure to make progress progress to make good change stress to bottle my mind full of senseless thoughts to **** for peace to work for paper to follow rules the lawmakers do not follow to dream but never achieve I think I will go back to my little cheap motel, the brown cardboard love, the home made from less than a single tree and I will be merry to know I don't need those toils I'll spend my day worse than dirt, soiling my life free of turmoils.