An Academic (with too much time) deplores our use of him and her. “These gendered pronouns give offense; to transgenders, they are a slur.” “So at our University, “Ze” shall stand for “He” or “she” And when crowds gather now and then, “Zey” shall now be known as “zhem”.” “Old style pronouns must not be used when the student body is so confused.” “Gendered bathrooms, were so unkind, now the doors bear equal signs (=)” We must not judge or interpose when boys dress up in women’s clothes. Nor should we act with prejudice if Zey decide to make a switch. For what you may have been at birth may not be what you had in mind; Hormonal treatments can, in time, make a drab boy look Divine Though Ze went to an all girl’s school, Zee’s now packing all the tools With the surgeon’s skill and care you can lose or grow a pair. “Though Male and Female He created them, surgically we have updated zhem.”
At the University of Tennessee a language experiment to replace gender pronouns