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Oct 2011
Though I am never with you when you close your eyes at night,know you are always with me,your my first thought,your my morning smile. Without even touching my skin you have some how reached my soul,I'm empty the days without you,but when your there I feel whole.What I spent a lifetime protecting never letting anyone get to close, In one brief unguarded moment It was my heart that you stole. If it was never meant to be how could it feel so strong I know whats right and I know right now would be wrong. There's so much I want to tell you I only wish I could find the words. There's so much I feel I owe you If I had a treasure that treasure you would own. I know I'm not the one who'll hold you when they turn freedoms keys,But I will forever hold you my prisoner in my prison of memories. Chained to my heart and shackled to my soul serving a life sentence with no pardon or parole.MY PERMANENT LOVE ...I will never let you go.
Richard Jordan
Written by
Richard Jordan
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