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Sep 2015
I am who I am
Sure I play
Love a good roll in the hay
Shame it's not everyday
It's got to be my way
Yep, you need to be brave
Once we engage
O.k., call it misbehave
Afterwards !!
I will be what you crave
I am who I am
I will always speak my mind
Pull back and I try to be kind
I am not a person that is refined
What the hell
"Touching glasses with my cocktail"
" Do tell "
But into the detail
I am who I am
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words will never hurt me
Get my drift
Make it swift
Don't listen to senseless ****
I am who I am
My friends I would never betray
Just loyal in that way
Count on me everyday
I am who I am
Tough, rough and a little gruff
So they say
I am that way
What do they want a powder puff
I am who I am
I will stand up for what I believe
I will more then likely never reprieve
I guess hard headed and set in my ways
"Hey" I can blame that on my age
I am who I am
I want apologize
For who
Or what I am

" I am who I am"
Mark Tilford
Written by
Mark Tilford  Louisville ky
(Louisville ky)   
   Brian Payamps
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