My head is fuzzy- I can't pull myself out from underneath the intoxicatingly tiring weight of my multiple comforters and blankets. I think of the inside of a koala's ear. How fuzzy that must be. That is what I am, yes. I am nonsense, innocent pink and gaping. No complex encroaching my perception, no predelection for the preceeding day. No bias nor misdirection yet, i am unwavering as a week of rain that leaks into two; heavy grey clouds that won't budge for longer than a half-hour. I am a spelling bee and the certainty before the fall- the letters came out wrong. I am a churning gut, egging me towards the "right call" with the strumming of my moral fibers or something of that nature. I am the creeping heat of a humid day no present danger just sense of exhaustion; feeling drained. I am the pain on the page and the **** poor decisions that lead to a scalding shower trying to smoke out those spur-of-the-moment sins. I'm alone in your parent's walk-in closet sobbing behind your father's golf polo's while you make desserts for a party full of strangers. I always hated how you tried to impress the neighbors. I am the next day hurt from a wrestling match that popped up in the back yard over some hurt feelings and a misinterpreted meaning. I am all you know but won't believe in.