if it were left up to me this whole poem could be worshiping the shiny puddle of silver light the stars stained onto your heaving collarbone when we made love & connected souls first under the third eye pyramid tapestry then on a rough bed of flat canyon orange dirt in summertime georgia
but it's not & can't ever be because people don't know you like i do for example they aren't aware that you dance with a summer breeze like the lighthearted yellow butterfly i can never catch in a net or that you're the reason i became a writer to begin with
they probably aren't prone to remember the october morning you found me huddled just before dawn in a half-lit safeway parking lot burning my clothes & yellow wooden pencils for fuel chewing the pink bubblegum erasers or when you said i have a beautiful pristine voice & i melted giddy into your wet violet hair as the wind whipped it i was around nine & in the third grade so i sat patiently crosslegged & camouflaged a lizard with my tongue out savoring that moment like an unexpected rainshower in the pre-puberty desert listening to the rhythms of your salty blood pump waves of breath out of your lungs
& they still don't know about later on when i was walking home shoulder bones barreled against the long fog you picked me up again in the immaculate rust wagon your brother left the keys in you bought me firewood at a gas station got me happy drunk on hot kisses & so paranoid ****** listening to thin lizzy on tape in your garage you laughed hyena hard when i asked you to marry me that starless purple night on your daddy's farm & so did he but he never really said no & neither did your eyes they just glistened like they were floating in olive oil as you ascended the stairs to your bedroom alone covered in magic enormous light