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Aug 2015
No, Not me
I would never succumb to Manipulation
I would see right through the disguise--
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing...
Now wouldn't I?

When You feel like a Stranger
Making your way down a Street
And you're feeling so peculiar
And people around you are hollow
They echo with prattling
Words rattling through their mouths
But they cannot comprehend
The sentence they are regurgitating from their head
I'm left to go along with everyone else and Pretend
Try to Defend my ideals--
My opinions on a reality that is oh so Cruel.

And that is when it's too easy to become Friends
With the disguised Wolf
Because the Wolf understands intimately the most gruesome of realities
For he participates in such atrocities
And so with great ease
He discusses these subjects with you,
Allowing you to ponder together all through the night
About everything that is not right
And before morning comes
And the sun's rays can shed light on your perturbed mind
The Wolf convinces you that instead of living your life to the fullest,
It is best that He devour you,
Because life would be much safer not being lived.
And for some reason,
After mulling over all that is wrong,
This seems like a plausible solution
Why not hand over all my rights,
All my dreams and aspirations for the safety you promise.
No, Not Me
Because a safe life is bound to be a short one
A brave life--
Full of trying and failing and sometimes succeeding--
is a life worth living.
The poem is about the perceived safety of belonging to a strict religious institution when life seems scary. But the caveat to being a member in a religious organization is that sometimes it requires you to distance or cut off vital parts of yourself that the religious leaders claim to be bad and punishable by God. So instead of running into the arms of a Religion who promises to protect you while insisting that you hand over your control, you can live a satisfying life by embracing your true nature and expressing your authenticity, and by living fearlessly. :)
Written by
   Earl Jane and GaryFairy
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