Have you ever seen the bumper sticker that reads- “DUDE WHERE IS MY COUNTRY?”-
While I have and I am asking you- Dude where is my country? I think it was stolen my corporate monkeys- Making us consumer junkies- Its kind of funny-How corporations with all the money- Make us feel like we are bumming-In search of materialistically something- Its almost numbing how they deep drumming products in our face- Make us feel like we have to buy-Or we will lose the race- It’s a disgrace-Not the American way to make us feel like we smell bad without that Axe Man’s Body spray- Or I wont feel cool unless I’m holding a latte- And my eye glasses read dolce- Slide a credit card man its okay- Dig a deeper hole to your grave- Consumer America I am your slave- Product buying all day- Broke as a joke-my money goes away- My credit cards get their pay- In minimal monthly payments anyway- Its like a rat race-Or a never ending case-
You stay in the chase to collect what you make and the credit cards get their cake- Its great- Buy things you don’t need with credit cards you can’t afford- Its all for the money-That’s why commercials go to war-
I mean how can you not-A badass commercial where a dude kills a cop-gets the cold-grabs the chick-and doing it all while wearing Gillet Sport Speed Stick- Its sick that I buy into this ****-A consumer ****** who needs another hit- Its unfortunate- But it’s the way it is-
Thank you Hollywood Biz-Thank you Corporate big wigs-and thank you Uncle Sam- Without you I wouldn’t be the product buying-credit card sliding man that I am- And before I go- I ask you again-