Mountain stream, barely flowing, a trickle really cascades down the rock face largely evaporating before tumbling to the slight puddle below the wannabe torrent meanders slowly downhill grabbing the occasional leaf and transporting it to the valley – foam bubble travelling the length finds itself stuck on a small waterlogged bramble branch being pulled and distorted, its rainbows playfully dance casting light onto shadowy bank caves looking at how much journey has passed excited about what it to come – dislodged pebble bounds along the creek bed sending old crawdad claws and remnants of fish **** particulates swirling and careening though the rippling brook as the tiny boulder strikes the bramble, the pebble finds a new home while the bubble continues its long overdue journey – a wind in the tree tops sends helicopters and pine needles soaring spinning and falling without care or forethought the tiniest sharpened end of a pine needle drops tip first into the bubble as it travels peacefully down… a sudden ‘pop’ and the forest falls quiet seems the wise ole owl will collect again…. he is the only one always betting on bubble failure –