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Aug 2015
what is this?
is that hope I see?
is that the light at the end of this endless
black tunnel?
can it be, that it´s finally my turn
to bask in the sunlight again?

ah, to be light as a feather and carefree once more.
to have a mind
void of worries and fears.
to lift my gaze towards the the future
with all it´s uncertainties
and say:
«I´m not scared of you anymore!»

to face the oncoming winter
with it´s cold, gloomy grasp
and know it won´t break me this time!
this year my coat will be lined with warm memories
and burning resolve.
knowing the frost won´t burn my soul
this time

this time around
I hope
I will get it right
Julie Roland Spets
Written by
Julie Roland Spets  Oslo
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