I told my mother at the age of five "If your boyfriend Frankie Doesn't stop hurting me I'm going to live with the wolves" "Well" she said "Go then, live with wolves"
So I left the kitchen and walked through the garage and out of the side door across the rock lawn and across the street into the desert Where coyotes lived One hundred and eighty yards away in measure But really about ten or eleven properties
I was so mad at being hurt and no one to protect me
My friends came charging to greet me about halfway from their den And they surrounded me And nipped at me Two or three of them at a time And the nips hurt but, They were not a hurt of pain I swear and without imagination
These were bites of love And the more they would bite me The more I could feel their love A love of warmth and tenderness A caring love A love which knows no boundaries So warm the love of the desert wolves
Not of something colder that would invite strangers into their home to harm their own
Flesh and blood and bones They, the yote, so starved for affection the somber song they sing of morn and of moonlight and the tides both ebb and flow
Their love, they shared with me A warmth that none can match The messenger between maker and mankind will never understand nor listen
Paper walls and the wails of wolves Both whisper in the winds