It's kind of a sick twisted fate- when someone turns out to be everything you have found in someone else but you also collectively hate. It turns your mind into a constant state of confusion. This obsolesce was never planned and I never planned to dislike you as much as I do now. How does one go from appreciating the very core of a person to dissecting and disliking every part? I'd like to think it's second nature and the second you become who you've always been when the mask was ripped off and I saw you I realized I had been trapped behind a wall of disillusionment in hopes to fix what will always look so much better broken. You are a mere child amongst men- constantly desiring something so out of reach always trying to get what you want until it is within your reach and you realize you don't know how to keep it you're not very good at keeping track of time and everything you say has to be depicted like a novel of truth you are telling when you use your words with such a dishonesty that it's honestly laughable. You have not made sense on more occasions than you have. Your words are your muse your security blanket when in reality, most of the time they are fleeing from your lips and they are used in the complete wrong context. I'm glad I could help you be okay I never asked for any help from you so I wasn't surprised when I never got it. Always trying to mend brokenness so maybe I will feel whole, when in the end I just feel like an *******. But you are actually the *******- and I should've trusted myself about you. Should've reminded myself that nothing is within your reach because your arms are carrying too much insecurity to even try to hold someone else's hand. But ******* you're trying- and you have been just not with me and I'm glad because I found something now so ******* special to me. So thank you for not giving me what I truly deserved because it showed me neither are you. It showed me I was better than what you gave and you said you cared but I never saw it. Never felt these things you said you did. I'm glad this sick twisted fate worked out into my favor because I can never imagine being with someone like you. With a mind a bit too free and a demeanor a bit too conflicted about **** near everything. Learn to walk- realize I did a long time ago and I'm surprised I didn't sooner. Maybe these steps will lead you to where you think you need to be Until then- watch as I learned to dance when you're still just crawling one day, it will be back to me by then I hope you'll be running.