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Aug 2015
how deep does it have to be to be considered soul?
not many or many few people have what would be considered soul
what depth of feeling and emotion is it?
is it pure empathy?
is it an understanding between as few as two people
sharing something or some experience that they and only they connect on?
many characteristics make up a truly caring person,
intelligence, compassion, empathy, insight, foresight, grace and a sense of humor.
why does it seem that the deepest thinking persons find humor in the most remedial of  things?
is it because we know and understand the heartbreak and the love lost
and the true love shared for each other?
so it's ok to poke fun, or to be ridiculously silly without judgement,  cause
the humor masks the pain and fear of knowing that
the laughter simply hides the tears.
Bea Hastings
Written by
Bea Hastings  new york city
(new york city)   
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