date a poet she’ll immortalise you with her words and she’ll see you at 3am in the last embers of a fire she’ll hear your name in a breeze she’ll feel you when the sun kisses her skin date a poet and feel yourself weakening upon the hand-scribbled notes carefully concealed between the pages of her favourite, dog-eared book and inimitable mix CDs oh, you’d never guess how long she spent composing them date a poet for no moment will be dull whether it’s crocheting or flower-arranging or archery, wind-surfing or belly-dancing there will always be a new skill for her to learn more cultures to unearth and be utterly captivated by and you will soon find yourself just as enraptured by her as she is by the world date a poet you won’t truly understand love until you’ve heard it personified as a wildfire, a loaded magnum and a silk noose date a poet because who doesn’t want to be a poem?