This was the temptation: to rub the I against the you, our thought against its images. To feel.
We were there before, you remember, without mother or father, without navel, marked only by the first cut. Free of weight, measurement, destruction we wandered inside each other, dreamt worlds, lived. But the stakes were too low,
the risk — only a game. Desire was action, instantly complete. And that’s the way (remember?) we got here too: by a single desire, by a glance.
And now we’re here, in the viscous air, rubbing this in, with effort — every single sensation, every meeting. Our suns rise and set, our worlds get old, but here: suddenly we find a new wrinkle in our soul, and this — is for real. It’s real. Finally we can lose, destroy, finally we are alive. For a moment we can even die.