I do not have a hard time with sadness or hurt or anger, well occasionally anger, but I don’t have a problem with laughter or being annoyed, with anything really…. Except Disappointment. Disappointment is my dark cloud. It’s everywhere in every person even me every place (California wasn’t as warm as I believed it would be) every food (Any good salad dressing is high in calories) See? I meant everything. Maybe I expect too much but I already thought I had cut my standards down low. I don’t have a hard time with understanding, or listening to others or lifting burdens that aren’t mine but I just cannot get on the same page as Disappointment. I don’t know what to do or where to go or what to say. I haven’t found a place or a thing that hasn’t Disappointed me. The biggest thing, the largest problem, is that so often I find myself Disappointed with me. Mostly for being Disappointed by other things. And thus I found the never ending cycle of Disappointment.
thank you to my coworker and also my best friend for stealing my tips. What people will do for money never ceases to amaze me.