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Jul 2010
Will suffer
Refusing to share.
The pain and disappointment
Have rusted the hinges on the exit door.
I will not fight, or scream, or break your heart in pieces.
This is my pain, my broken-hearted shattered dreams, my burden alone.
Refusing to drag you to the depths of my personal hell, is not noble.
It is not selfless or well meaning. There is a shameful part lying silently within me.
It know the truth that I have fought hard to swallow, that I continue to deny, the truth that proves I am no martyr.
There is, in fact, some comfort to be found in a pain so familiar that it has leached into the very fiber of my soul.
Written in the Prime style as created by A.Thomas Hawkins
copyrightΒ©PrttyBrd 012/07/2010- From Sunset to Sunrise
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