We met over the flat lands of dream chasing Where our common passion and will brought us 13,000 feet into the stars Fire pits and lunch bells had never brought people closer to a reachable goal She was the definition of beauty With quiet hints of fire and eloquence She could move mountains And that's what she did You could see it in her eyes True desire for completion She grew as tall as the trees we were surrounded by And they could not contain her She was as free and bold as the mountain peaks we lived on As calm and gentle as the breeze that embraced us each morning And as mysterious as the secrets she never told The rocky paths we took jolted our heartbeats andΒ shook our cores But brought us to our destinies She wanted nothing more than to be a small ripple in that lake A small dose of change in a world that needed something more She became my rock That supported me on my way to self discovery She never chipped She never cracked under the heat or pressure She watched as I burned everything that made me who I was She became the wind that blew me into the right direction And the trails that lead me home safely That mountain captivated us only for a short moment But she is still captivating me to this day And nothing was more breathtaking then the views from Mingus Mountain Until I left the mountain and really looked at her