There is an artist, A thoughtful painter. He's called a master By his followers. Critcs say that he has Made some of the most Beautiful Magnificent Fantastic Pieces in the world.
Now He will do it again.
He stands before A white canvas Set on his lucky easel, Rapping his brush Lightly against his head. As he studied the space, The off white void Challenging him to fill it.
For three days he sits And three nights he lays Staring at the white Two foot by three foot Blank rectangle Until he decides On what will be His greatest Masterpiece.
For three days And thee nights, He holds the bursh As he paints a scene Of grey people On grey landscapes Going about their Grey business. Doing what grey People normally do.
On the last day, He looks at his work, A portrait of the truth And inner workings Of the whole word On a single Canvas.
And he smiles contentedly. Rarely does he compliment His own artwork, But believe That his piece must The finest to be made.
It was a pretty piece, But it had smudges here And blotches there. Most unnoticible To the less wary eye. But I see them And I mourn to think That someone Ruined the pefection Of a white canvas.