Aqua candy saliva, bathe me in scented oil, I'm bestead, living, in the land of the dead; I want to be think of thee, in a gown of flowing luminary, meeteth me, at the red Sea, calmeth me, with thy kava tea, down me in thy mouth, mine lips between thy teeth.
Betrothed we shalt be, before the fine religious brimstone, we'll cuddle before the fire, aloft ourn rooftop grove, and in the stove, the finest roast shalt be flaming, the taste shalt lace in ourn mouth, the lair is secret, yet to us is devout, ourn arms, legs, lock.
Her strands art primal, as mine art wild, thus becoming even closer, one amare, uno child, facts and action's, not words and false promise, verily I telleth thee, a one way entrance, the path is broad, though narrow's the way, ourn marrow's nicely display.
©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
For noone just writing