It roams the streets, That archaic figure - unaware of that voyage. It is skinned, a little pale perhaps. Seeking a beacon, a red light. Amongst the people. They are numbers. They never tend to amaze me. But there is something difficult to comprehend about that flesh; that tongue; the earthly scent of your mouth. I roam the streets; how finite that voyage seems. Your hometown; your current workplace. They are not real, they are not you. However, I am you - your keen countenance; the inked unsolvable equation. It is jubilant - clutching your skin like a saviour. Prepare your dirge, Prepare the pansies. My bones are leaving; my fingernails - weakening. I am perilous by too much soul. By the smoke that is reaching out. My last forlorn attempt is not foreseeable. *Find me before I find myself.