Tropica, botanica of poetry's heaven, Tropica, santonica that groweth so free; Let thy pen jot down and stroke the cloud's Carelessly....
Tropica, a basilica awaiteth thine thought's I knoweth thou art down, lonesome and depressed But so many careth for thy heart's pain and loss........
Tropica, friend of mine, sun that Shine's Let the day for thee be anewed, paint the world blue As thy tear's turneth from cloud's to rainbow's bright and loud;
Tropica, hepatica growing wildly and untamed, knoweth ourn creator is near, do not fear, nor dread, thine head's lingo is as beautification on display.
Tropica, let thy poetic melodica sing it's angelic sound, wherein when thou doth feeleth down, knoweth thou shalt always hath a friend in me, as god wilt guideth thee, in the fire and freeze.......
A dear poet on here is down and depressed and needs someone to listen to her as I want to but am putting aside me own depression to help her out try to cheer her up with this poem lol hope you like it miss tropica... Here are words some might not understand in here Botanica- is like a shop that sells flowers or spiritual things... Santonica- is a flower head or flowers period I learned (;: hepatica is something that looks like a daisy white and purple ones... Melodica- is like a keyboard like harmonics thing lol musical instrument !!! Enjoy