I go back To the place that molded me Shaped me into who I am today. The trees are so much taller And I stand before them That much straighter. The paint that stuck in my memory Of faded white and grey-blue trim Is fresh and spotless and perfect, Like the mask I painted On my own face in the mirror that morning. The grass I spent countless childhood days Mowing and trimming and ****-whacking Is manicured by professionals now. And a different girl sits on the roof Making her own memories. We stare at each other in silence Committing the other's features to memory. Then with the slightest of nods in her direction, I'm turn on my heel and gone. You see I've been lost for awhile now In this world we all must make our home. And I thought that maybe by going back I'd find myself. And I suppose I did, but really I didn't. I wasn't there-- In those memories. No, I found myself-- I was in the walking away.