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Oct 2010
How can I be honest
When it is too much to bear
When all I can do is pretend

Please don't ask me how I feel
I can't say the words
It's almost too hard to comprehend

We were only kids
When that look in your eye
Sent me whirling for reasons unknown

Agitated by your smile
Or your bothersome ways
I wouldn't understand until I was grown

Now that I know
What I should have known
About that blonde haired angel-faced kid

I think back
To the hell in your eye
And I know what I guess I always did

So here we are
The two of us older
No longer hiding what our bodies betray

Yet there is no freedom
No joyous reunion
Only fear that my heart's already strayed

How can I be honest
When it is too much to bear
When all I can do is pretend

Please don't ask me how I feel
I can't say the words
It's almost too hard to comprehend
copyrightΒ©PrttyBrd 16/10/2010- From The Ride of a Lifetime
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