Afar blossom perennial, mine cataract vision needeth cleared, For where art thou? Empress of cloud's, doth thou cometh near; Mine child strained fear's, like perfume hang's the mist fog, mine kingdom needeth alignment, soul of wandering, into mine divine.
Til' the end of the undying times, wherein poe's rhyme's matcheth thine kind, shine on like little diamond's to flutter mine heart that's untouched, greet me with thy fine lunch, meet me in dined brunch, the kerchief of mine spiced spirit to wrap thy lips.
Strange devout bliss, posy sentiment so sprayed as such, like a brand new life, for the both of us; that special touch to maketh us shiver as trees that sway the off balanced coursing, thine toes to cure and curl, our tongue's to dribble in pearls, of ourn saliva.