I wear this smile painted across my lips like an eviction notice- like you have two days to wipe it clean before someone else does. So my smile goes away for a while reminds me it was never really too fond of commitment I guess it takes after me. Some days it finds it's way back to me- sulking because it couldn't find anyone else as good. Even though it tried- really ******* hard. Apologies are the only language it seems to know and advice is the only thing it has to offer but no one cares to find it when it runs. When it's busy playing hop scotch with this heart of mine- then someone pulls something and the pain starts. No one notices it until it's already too late until the pain has made it's way into my mind and formulated itself into my edges planted seeds in every part of me so it will always be growing no matter how much I forget to water it.
Some days- my smile sings me lullabies and reminds me how beautiful the music is then someone kisses me and I am reminded that music is just a synonym for therapy and no one will ever be able to play the keys in the soft mellow tune of the saxophone the way I like. I'll always be destined for that eviction notice because it seems I haven't paid my dues.
People come around and feed this scene I like to play- they realize they are trying to fit inside this image I present to them feeding off the fiction inside my facade and when it comes down to me- when the cape is ripped away and it is shown I am a mere moral amongst men they start to run away again. They realize this me that they saw wasn't what they expected- wasn't what they thought they wanted and I turn into the *******. Always hurting those who don't realize who I am- an eviction notice at your doorstep. A smile, not even I know how to keep.