I want to celebrate my life I want long hugs and painful laughs Late night drives and midnight mass I want my family to be fixed and my friends close to me Because drinking and cutting are not the things I want for me I want to live again I want my dreams to be free and unhinged I want my mind clear with vast horizons so I know things will be okay again I want people to be proud of me I want trust and appreciation Because I won't go anywhere unless you are there Why is this so hard again Being surrounded by good people doesn't always mean that you will be good too I want to prove to you that I can do this because proving it to myself doesn't give me satisfaction I want real life again Not the numbness from alcohol that only kept my spirits up for brief moments until reality came knocking me to the ground I want pain that is worth fighting through I want to know that I will come out on top so I know to keep pushing I want Jackie Harrington In all her forms and states of mind With all her flaws and ideas of life and how to cope I want her with all the emotions and turmoil that comes with her ongoing struggles Everything that makes her human I want to accept all of it Because dealing with issues and coping with them are two different things And I want to cope with myself rather than accept my fate Because someone special once told me that I was the strongest person she knew And for the first time I don't want to prove her wrong