Little boy loses his way, Tossed aside instead of asking what's wrong. Locked away Little boy thrown into the arena Expected to be a gladiator, But with no crowd there to cheer him on Or even to openly mourn his circumstances Left to the lions.
Little boy lost his way, Locked in a tiny cage like the lion Wondering if he was an animal or a man Little boy could not reach for the stars through the steel perforated door In the world where everything echoed, Even his demons. Little boy forgot how to laugh
But then one day, Little boy grew Thrived even without being given the proper nutrients, Proper sunlight. Even without the proper space, His roots grew strong Despite the efforts of his captors.
Little boy grew into a man, One who will hold my hand on visiting days, Steal a kiss when the guards aren't looking. Who laughs and smiles, Telling me how beautiful I am despite how much the world has remindedΒ Β him of his own imperfections. Who has hope for the future Despite being told that he was no one.
I fell in love with the little boy who forgot about love and found it again with unjaded eyes, as a solitary man.
This is for all the women and men who love someone put in long term solitary confinement. Who have gone through the struggle of watching them struggle.