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Jul 2015
Our boots,
Oh so *****, full of mud...we couldn't stop,
We had to carry on.
They told us we had to,
or we would be shot for cowardice.
I'm no coward,
Nor are the rest of the lads.
Gun on one shoulder,
A bag on the other,
Why did I believe the lies that brought me here,
"You'll make friends for life!"
Sure I did...
But how long is a life when your out there?
Being shot at for heavens sake!
I mean, Jimmy, wanted to prove to our commander,
That he wasn't a coward,
So he got out of the trench,
Started shooting,
And in about 5 shots, he was gone...
Falling back into the trench...
God help us...We need you
Written by
Ally  UK
   GaryFairy and ---
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