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Jul 2015
they still got their hooks in me though
i sure can tell you thAt
tried to fill myself with love today
but now look where i'm at

surrendering to the demons
Like every other day
with hooks and claws
and gnarls and gnaws
they fear my glow away

they rIp my love from chest
they shrEd apart my soul
they stamp out all my light
aNd Put me in my hOle

Smothering all my will
til tearS roll down my face
now i must release my demon
and leave this cold dark place

they arE the ebb
and i am the flow
the tug of war goeS on
stretching my Soul
til darknEss takes hold
and my Demon unleashes their song
Brain in a bottle
Written by
Brain in a bottle  Canada
   Joseph Paris and Cecil Miller
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