God always comes first A man will never exist without Him He made man in His own image He creates us Breathe in life in us Guides us from infant to adult Protect us and lead us Forgives us Watch over us everyday and night Even as our body and soul goes to sleep He bless us with many abundant things in life HE Bless with wife,kids, family and money to take care of them He is not a man...He is the mighty supernatural being He does not discriminate If money could buy life many rich people will live forever He does His things with equity and fairness As a gives both poor and rich, tall or fat same life. Above all He gives to a man a Good wife
A good wife is to a man God's blessings and a miracle A good wife is made out of a man's rib To become a helper A companion A good listener Created to restore happiness to man Man always need her.... To build a home...a happy home To build a future...a bright future She will give up many things just to be with HIM She is always committed to her husband Always by his side to encourage Him and support him She is always by His side both in good and in bad times She is the number one fan of her husband Always ready to fly her husband's flag all over the world Even when He isn't functioning to His best...she always knows the right time to suggest A good wife brings the best out of Her husband. With love and understanding And when he looses his way..she is always there to guide Him There was a saying that ...................
A beautiful wife pleases the eye,but a good wife pleases the heart, the first is a jewel while the second is a treasure
All a man could have to be happy and have a peaceful and happy Home is God and a good wife