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Jul 2015
jump to attention
at the hint of love
and go to war
with what it gives.

destroy your life
until fate forces you
to fix it,
then on a good day
set out
to destroy your mind.

love birds
and make mercy kills on moths
before inserting a bug in your ear
to make your motions for you.

learn a new language
to speak to someone beautiful
just to tell them
you have a disease
and will remain celibate forever.

give your time
and commitment to a friend
with a crippled body
and a broken soul
to try to teach them
how to walk again,
then tire of them
and everyone
with their crutches leaning
next to your bed.

sternly avoid involving yourself
in the harming of any living thing
until you realize that your life
is a form of destruction whos only pure function of peace was to allow you the time to conclude that;
for your heart to be whole
your body must be the thing
you destroy.

everything that can be done
is an action geared towards
the event of leaving everything.
Written by
   --- and Azaria
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