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Jul 2015
I need help
There I said it
My first step has been taken
My friends tell me the same thing over and over again
So I guess this time I decided to listen
Cutting can't be my solution
It can't be my antidote
But how can I give up the one thing that coats this pain
I have all my struggles engraved
Every weak moment shown on a canvas that was once flawless
I ran from the word depression only to land in the arms of something I could have prevented
I feed off of stubbornness and pride
"I'm fine"
"You don't have to worry"
When in reality my blood is running down my sleeve
I didn't think it would get this far
A few here a few there
Until my sophomore year
When sleep was not reachable unless pain appeared
1 year without it and it's still my biggest fear
I don't want to
I come to you because you listen
And when I hand you that knife you don't question
You said I need help and I know that
The new scars on my body show that
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