plot out distances between freckles and count the amount of hairs; in a beauteous analysis a cold witnessing of)a featured lifeless gaze projected onto windows refracted in time with the pounding from lost soulless ghouls in a dank puddled basement as we stare through keyholes
the length of life waits to rescind to wash up on the shoreline anew, once refreshed with Angina on
wading in cyclic waves in deposits of reveries stale orangeade sonatas and dull area tirades
the purpose economized
every axiom americanized
and as your atoms become depersonalized tension is materialized, in ornate ivory shattered brass instruments rusted by novels written to god in a fractured light and range
cramped in a curtailed distance a brickwall deadend universe gnashing with frustration ****** yawns of futility
closed viaducts and vacant lots deafened eyes, grey glimmering in retort to their own expression
blind sight was squandered by the snapback, of all the strings of the orchestra as they were simultaneously snipped by sharp prying eyes, listening to the mixing of paint to smell the music, its arms limp, vivid wishing to pull you back (in hindsight) with dreaded, deadened incantations a dithyrambic liturgy to the drunken thoughtless night of slurred litanies and unappeasable, irascible deities lonely and immaculate, all-powerless and deft in irksome quarrels and arguments glossed over by the fine print of another exalting the vainglorious self-inscribed paragons and revelling every inadmissible mistake
gazing past to a solo star dumbstruck and dead from an evaluation and dehydration