a lost cafe hidden by the tumult of a rising city; backpacking through lands unknown to the ascetic individual. in fields of flowers and small lakes kept secret from the men
of business who seek the thrill of a silent corner book store and the the bustle of an airport at
noonday, quickly and quietly bypassing a bashful stranger lost in lands all their own. in castles on clouds and beds of rolling waves only seen by creatures unseen by man whose joy is found through the stable beat of feet on three am pavement and a rhythmic discovery of wheels against earth l e a d i n g the way to a distant land surrounded by an azure sky inhabited solely by the deep voice of a weary guitar.
here remain the lost pieces to the puzzle waiting to be made w h o l e four arms four legs one heart one soul one being too powerful left in two
but in the end if you were to find yourself on the other side of life never crossing the path of another soul in pursuit of your own it is because you need not another to complete a soul as your own but only the soul you already are
and of all the souls yours is the most powerful for it is c o m p l e t e as it was made.