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Jan 2010
the one little bee bit me.

pit me up

against my me.

tea. for three. now serves only me.

for thee, has been a destroyer to my kind handles and controls

you drank coors.

i smiled as a child .

for reasons coldy draw that in my childish state I saw

that star that told me such a nursery rhyme

and said that if i should give it time,

some will would have me find

that stories make life chime

together in ******* cohesion
with knotted roots of profusion
and exstactic empathofusion moving.


the story was you. with your coors.

twinkle said the star and I hungered and sang through all time
to hear such another nursery rhyme
only to get the buckled pang

from my empty state of mind.
Written by
sam common
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