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Jul 2015
In death's dark tunnel
When one's spirit passeth through their faded brawn,
There when making it to that dusk black hole,
There art naf's who Bob carelessly
To the overcΓ st of what is
Not what was.......
They just are!!!!

They linger as string's being held by God. .
But see,
This blackness is comfortable to them...
Though some refuseth to moveth on knowing their destination....
Other's move ahead to the glory throne.....
Though the ones in the in-between,

Just like being...
They just are......
A comfortable darkness.......
Held on God's string's........
For you who don't know a naf is a soul other words in Arabic tongue or can mean a being or even self... This means soul here ():
brandon nagley
Written by
brandon nagley  Ohio,USA..
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